
■   X JAPAN -  N E W S   ■
[08/01 ry]
[07/31 246]
[07/30 名無しさん]
[07/30 名無しさん]
[07/29 たかし]
[07/29 みな]
[07/29 花]
[07/28 なつ]
[07/27 KAZU]
[07/27 KAZU]
[07/27 花]
[07/27 定]
[07/26 名無しさん]
[07/26 花]
[07/26 Ⅲ45]
[07/26 むだ]
[07/25 名無しさん]
[07/25 名無しさん]
[07/25 名無しさん]
[07/25 名無しさん]
[07/25 乳井敬]
[07/24 KAZU]
[07/23 りこ]
[07/22 シャネル時計 芸能人 2014]
[07/22 スーパーコピー 時計 ガガ]
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X JapanYoshikiNY紙がインタビュー、MSGコンサートや今後の予定


10月11日、X Japanがマンハッタンのマディソンスクエアガーデンでコンサートを開催したが、地元ニューヨークに本拠を置くエンターテイメント情報誌「ハリウッド・ソープボックス」では、コンサートについてや、その背景、今後の予定についてリーダーのYoshikiにインタビューを行っている。






X Japanは、2010年と2011年に行われた最後のワールドツアーの後、一時的に活動を停止することを決めた。ToshiPataHeathSugizoを含むバンドメンバーは、再びファンを楽しませるためには、わくわくさせるようなキックオフイベントを行いたかった。それが、マディソンスクエアガーデンでの公演が可能性として表面化し始めたときだったと言う。「新しいチャプター、新しいワールドツアー」の出発点だったとYoshikiは語る。








 【コンサート後にもレビュー: X JapanNYコンサート、ビルボードなども報道、現地紙もレビュー】

 TVニュースでも報道: 全米一のニュース専門TVFOXニュースでのX Japanコンサートの報道】


X Japanの黎明期には、そのカラフルな衣装やヘアスタイルによって知られ、東京のクラブでの演奏を行っていた。400人の会場を埋めることから始まったバンドは、東京ドームでの5万人のファンを含む、より大きな会場へと発展した。


X Japanの曲は、「愛しています」や「一緒にいたい」といった、よくありがちなテーマとはあまり関係なく、人生をテーマにしたものが多いと語るYoshiki。人生とその奮闘への焦点は、幼少期にまでさかのぼる。「10歳の時父親が自殺したので、人生についてより多く語りたいのです」と語るYoshiki。「そのような若いときから人生について考え始めたのです。なぜ私たちが存在しているのか?この世の中で生きている理由は何なのか?」












これまでにない特別なものであったマディソンスクエアでの公演について、「何年あのように演奏できるかは分かりません」と語るYoshikiは、「しかし同時に、マディソンスクエアガーデンの公演はゴールではありませんでした。単に別のチャプターでした。あといくつチャプターが残っているか分かりませんが、X Japanの次の時代に進もうとしているのです」として、インタビューを結んでいる。



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x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x



Tech insight



X JAPANYOSHIKIが、肩の筋肉を痛めて病院で検査を受ける姿をInstagramで公開している。ファンは彼の回復を願いながらも、上半身の筋肉が見られるその写真に「せっかくのsexy bodyも病院じゃもったいない」とシチュエーションを惜しんでいた。そんな体調にありながらもYOSHIKIは米国のロックミュージシャン、マリリン・マンソンと会食しており、なんらかの企画についても話が出たようだ。先日は、X JAPANのマディソン・スクエア・ガーデン公演を成功させたばかりというのに、身体を休める暇もない多忙ぶりである。


YOSHIKIX JAPANのリーダーでありドラム、ピアノを担当する。彼の激しいアクションによる迫力のドラムプレイはX JAPANに欠かせないパフォーマンスだ。だが、それ故に身体の故障も多い。彼が1116日に『YOSHIKI yoshikiofficial Instagram』で右肩の筋肉を痛めて、病院で診察される姿を公開した。やはりドラムプレイによる筋肉の損傷らしい。


Take care of yourself please」、「よっちゃん。お大事に!」と国内外からコメントが殺到している。また、彼が検査のため上半身裸となっていることから「少し痩せました? めちゃ心配です」、「やせたかな? 祈ってるよ。快方にむかうこと」と怪我だけでなく痩せたと感じる人も少なくない。


ファンとしては思わぬYOSHIKIのサービスショットだが、「よっちゃん、そういう姿もみせてくれてありがとう…こういう時でも、体きたえているんだね! すごいけど、ゆっくりして、からだ大事にしてね」、「せっかくのsexy bodyも病院じゃもったいない」と喜んでばかりもいられない複雑な気持ちのようだ。


翌日の17日には人気ロックミュージシャンのマリリン・マンソンとディナーを楽しみ、ツーショットを公開したYOSHIKI。「New project?!」とコメントしていることから2人で何か企んでいるのだろう。


「思うように、休めないよっちゃんだけど、Powerおくりたい。We are Xだから! あのすごいdrumming、痛みも、わかちあえたらいいのに」とファンも応援している。健康に配慮してまだまだ前に進んで欲しい。



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YOSHIKI、マリリン・マンソンとのツーショット公開 「ニュープロジェクト」始動か


  ロックバンド「X JAPAN」のリーダー・YOSHIKI1117日(2014年)、アメリカのロックミュージシャン、マリリン・マンソンとのツーショット写真をツイッターに投稿した。


   写真の2人はサングラスと黒い服に身を包み、オーラを放っている。添えられたメッセージは「New Project?! Dinner was good.」。YOSHIKIはマンソンとディナーをともにし、「New Project」について話を進めたものと思われる。


   この投稿に「キター⊂((x))⊃!?」「本当に?(ノ゜ο゜)ノ オオォォォ-(´・ω・`)(`・ω・´)」「omg」「2 Rock !!! New Project waiting for you」「new project!? Looking forward to it!!」など世界中のファンから期待の声が寄せられた。


   YOSHIKI113月、代々木第一体育館(東京都渋谷区)で行われたファッション音楽イベント「ASIA GIRLS EXPLOSION」でマンソンと共演している。



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x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x




●ハローキティ40th記念パレード「ARIGATO EVERYONE!」にYOSHIKIさんが特別出演!YOSHIKI meets Hello Kitty開催




  株式会社サンリオエンターテイメント(本社:東京都多摩市、社長:辻 信太郎)が運営するテーマパーク「サンリオピューロランド(以下、ピューロランド)」に音楽家のYOSHIKIさんが、1124日(月・振休)、ハローキティ40thのお祝いのため来場することが決定しましたのでお知らせします。YOSHIKIさんはハローキティ40thのお祝いとして、現在上演中のハローキティ40thアニバーサリーパレード「ARIGATO EVERYONE!」のラストシーンに特別出演します。


  ハローキティとYOSHIKIさんは、コラボレーション商品「Yoshikitty」の発売を始め、今年1029日(ロサンゼルス時間)に米ロサンゼルスで開催されたハローキティ初のコンベンション「Hello Kitty Con 2014」のオープニングイベントに出席いただくなど、これまでも親交を深めてきました。


  イベント日当日(1124日)は、パレードのラストシーンにYOSHIKIさんが登場し、ハローキティと一緒にフロートに乗り、円形状の会場ピューロビレッジを3周。ピューロランドに集まったお客様にご挨拶いいただく予定です。YOSHIKIさんがピューロランドに来場し、パレードのラストシーンに出演するのは今回が初めてです。YOSHIKIさん登場時とご挨拶時には、米ロサンゼルスにて演奏したYOSHIKIさん作曲のハローキティ公式ソング「HELLO HELLO(仮タイトル)」が流れ、この日が日本初公開となります。




 YOSHIKI meets Hello Kitty 概要】

■実施日時:20141124日(月・振休) 13:00~ *パレードのラストシーンに登場します

■実施場所:サンリオピューロランド1F ピューロビレッジ

YOSHIKI meets Hello Kittyに関する情報掲載サイト  http://www.puroland.jp/2014_yoshiki/






x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x



Walker plus





 同日は、ハローキティ40thのお祝いのため、テーマパーク、サンリオピューロランドにYOSHIKIが来場!現在上演中のハローキティ40thアニバーサリーパレード「ARIGATO EVERYONE!」のラストシーンに特別出演する。ハローキティと一緒にフロートに乗り、円形状の会場ピューロビレッジを巡って来場者たちに挨拶する予定だ。


 登場時には、YOSHIKI作曲のハローキティ公式ソング「HELLO HELLO(仮タイトル)」が日本初公開される。また、Yoshikittyのライブキャラクターも初お披露目。ピューロランドでは、YoshikittyグリーティングやYoshikittyグッズの販売などを行い、ハローキティファン、YOSHIKIファンにこの日限りの特別な一日を提供する。【東京ウォーカー】



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YOSHIKI meets HelloKitty at サンリオピューロランド




 YOSHIKI meets HelloKitty

 YOSHIKI mobileYoshiki VISA CARD ,Yoshikitty MASTER CARDカード限定招待のお知らせ!!




 1124日、YOSHIKIさんがHELLO KITTY 40thのお祝いにサンリオピューロランドに登場!

HELLO KITTY 40thを記念して書き下ろしたハローキティーの公式テーマソング

" HELLO HELLO " (仮タイトル) に合わせてパレードに登場します。!!



  本イベントに、YOSHIKI mobile会員様からペアで1836名とUNDERGROUND KINGDOMカード(YOSHIKI VISAカード及びyoshikittyマスターカード)会員様からペアで1632名様をご招待いたします!!







 ■【YOSHIKI meets HelloKitty


パレード「ARIGATO EVERYONE! ハッピークリスマス」ラストシーンにてYOSHIKIさんが登場。







サンリオピューロランド1F ピューロビレッジ



13:00〜 パレードラストシーンに登場!







また、ご招待チケット応募に外れてしまった方にも、今回のイベントの割引チケットが以下から入手できます。大人通常3800 (税込み)3000 円(税込み)、通常子供2700 円(税込み)が2000 円(税込み)で入場できます。


URLはこちら → 

http://www.puroland.jp/sp/coupon_g/2014_yoshiki.html (スマフォ)



■【yoshikittyグリーティング 】






1回目 15:00

2回目 16:00

3回目 17:30





■【yoshikitty Goodsの販売】


 最新のグッズから過去のグッズまでyoshikitty Goodsを取り揃えています!!







YOSHIKI meets HelloKitty


YOSHIKIさんが登場する13:00からのパレード「ARIGATO EVERYONE! ハッピークリスマス」を、ご用意したエリアにてご覧いただきます!!




(1)YOSHIKI mobile会員様の中から抽選で、



(2)UNDERGROUND KINGDOMカード(YOSHIKIカード及びyoshikittyカード)から抽選で、


























・当選されたご本人様+1名 合計2名様がご入場できます。(ご当選権を譲渡することはできません)。




・当日、YM当選者の方は当選メール、UNDERGROUND KINGDOMカード当選者の方は、YOSHIKI VISAカード及びyoshikittyマスターカードをお忘れないようにお願いいたします。


・ご招待に当選されなかった方も、ピューロランドパスポート(通常休日料金 大人3,800円、小人2,700)でお楽しみいただけますが、混雑状況によってはパレードがご覧いただけない場合がございます。





URLはこちら → 

http://www.puroland.jp/sp/coupon_g/2014_yoshiki.html (スマフォ)

http://www.puroland.jp/coupon_g/2014_yoshiki.html (PC



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YOSHIKI at サンリオピューロランド





当然…「HELLO HELLO」を披露する。ということでしょうね。

会場の様子と「HELLO HELLO」のフルバージョンが聴ける動画です。





















そういえば「BLUE SKY HEAVEN」はどうなった?



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1029日(ロサンゼルス時間)、ロサンゼルスで行われたハローキティー初のコンベンション<Hello Kitty Con 2014>のオープニングイベントで、Yoshiki自らが手掛けたハローキティーのオフィシャルテーマソングが披露された。




この日、ロサンゼルスのThe Geffen Contemporary MOCAで行われた<Hello Kitty Con 2014>には、サンリオから招待されたセレブリティ約2000名が訪れ、この日の為に特別に設けられた特設ステージで、「Forever Love」ピアノバージョンをカルテットと一緒に演奏し、その後自ら作曲したハローキティーのテーマソング「HELLO HELLO」(仮タイトル)をEDMダンスバージョンで演奏し、会場のセレブリティ達の度肝を抜いたという。今回演奏されたテーマソングは、英語によるEDM/ダンスバージョンだったが、今後は世界各国の言語でクラシック、ポップ、ロック等のバージョンも披露される予定になっているようだ。








Yoshikiは、これまで数々のテーマソングを手掛けており、1999年『天皇陛下御即位十年をお祝いする国民祭典』の奉祝曲を始め、2005 年『日本国際博覧会(愛知万博)』の公式イメージ・ソング、2013年には米・ゴールデングローブ賞の公式テーマソング等の他にも、ハリウッド映画音楽やアニメーション映画音楽等、その活動は多岐に渡っている。



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COMIKAZE 2014 at Los Angeles Convention Center

Los Angeles, California, USA










X JAPANとして登場していましたが、





そろそろ「BLOOD RED DRAGON」のアニメ?主題歌?




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X JapanYoshikiNYコミコンに続きLAコミカゼにも参加へ


X JapanのリーダーYoshikiが、ニューヨークで開催されたコミコンに続き、ロサンゼルスで開催されるスタン・リーのComikaze(コミカゼ)にも主賓として参加することが発表された。


 10月10日、ニューヨーク・コミコンにX Japanのメンバーと共に参加したYoshikiは、11日にマディソンスクエアガーデンでコンサートを開催。コンサートではまた、「スコット・ウォーカー 30世紀の男」や「ストーンズ・イン・エグザイル」の監督スティーヴン・キジャックと、「シュガーマン 奇跡に愛された男」のプロデューサー・ジョン・バトセックが、ドキュメンタリー映画制作の一環としてを撮影を行っている。


Yoshikiは、音楽関連イベントやツアーに加え、米国では多くのアニメイベントにも登場している。今年ボルチモアで行われた北米最大級のアニメイベント「オタコン」にも参加しており、今年公開の映画「聖闘士星矢 LEGEND of SANCTUARY」では、主題歌「Hero(Yoshiki Classical Version)」を描き下ろしている。







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at The Geffen Contemporary, Los Angeles,California,USA











HELLO HELLO!」をピアノで披露したそうです。






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● YOSHIKIがキティのテーマ曲披露 デザイナー「男性対象の作品を」


サンリオの人気キャラクター「ハローキティ」の誕生40周年を記念して、世界初のファンコンベンションが米ロサンゼルスで30日から開かれる。29日に招待客らへの事前イベントが開かれ、ロックバンド「X JAPAN」のYOSHIKIが新たに作曲したキティのテーマ曲を披露した。







x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


Dreamforce 2014 in San Francisco




Dreamforce 2014




ライブでも披露した「Improvisation - Swan Lake」と、













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(完全に忘れられてるので、さえぎるように) あの〜(笑)、今回、日本からもたくさんのファンがこのコンサートのために海を渡ってくると思うのですが。


YOSHIKI そうですね。僕たちがいろんな国に出て行っている時に、日本でそうやって応援していただけるのは何より心強いですねー。日本の方に限らず、アジアの方であったり、ヨーロッパの方であったり、今回のアメリカのコンサートにいろんな国の方から、応援に行きますって言葉をいただいて。(場所は)ニューヨークのイベントではあるんですけれど、自分たちとしては世界の人を巻き込んでのイベントだと。X JAPANとしての新たな第1弾として、“世界のイベント”だと思うんですね。


ToshI 活動していなかった時期が10年くらいあったんですけれども、その間に、X JAPANの音楽が世界中に広がっていって世界中のファンに支持していただいてる状況が、とても不思議に感じますね。前回のワールドツアーの時も世界中でこんなに自分たちの音楽を存在を受け入れてもらってるんだなって。だからこそ、今回はさらに大きな音楽の殿堂ともいえる会場で、また皆さんと一緒に分かち合えるのはやっぱり格別な思いがありますね。


YOSHIKI ……うん、やっぱり夢みたいだよね。活動してなかったこの10年間。(10年前に)まさか10年後にこんなにファンの方たちが世界中に現れるなんて想像もしてなかったし。




YOSHIKI やはり、そのー…長いからね。長過ぎるっていうか(笑)。知り合って、もう40年以上ですよね。これはいろんなとこでいつも言ってますけど、僕のX JAPANの曲っていうのは、もう最初からToshIのイメージで書いてる。その楽曲の、それよりも先に、ToshIの声がどうやったら一番輝くのかっていうレンジも含めて、そこからスタートしてるので。全く違うボーカルだったとしたら、今までの曲は生まれてないんですね。ToshIがいたから、この曲が生まれてる。そういう意味でも自分の才能を引き出してくれた人でもあり、友人でもあり、パートナーでもあり、そしてこのX JAPANっていう化け物を作ってしまった人でもあると思うんです。(笑)


ToshI だからYOSHIKIが作る曲って、本当に、こう、大変なレコーディングが必要で、「ここまでやんなきゃいけないのかな」ってくらい厳しくて、当時は衝突したり、戸惑ったり、自信を失ったり。今、思えばYOSHIKIはそれくらい自分にも厳しく、アートを創造してきたんですよ。本当にいろんなことがあったんですけど、YOSHIKIもすごく苦しんだと思うんですけれど、それでも音楽に真摯(しんし)に向き合って、曲を生み出してきた。結果、時を超えて、国境を超えて、それは今、世界中の人の心に響いている。それを今になって感じますねー。


YOSHIKI 20何年後に感じてる。(笑)


ToshI 25年後に(笑)やっぱりYOSHIKIのやり方は間違ってなかったんだなって感じます。ある意味、一番そばに、まぁ、そばにいなかった時期もあるんですが(笑)。一番そばで彼の人生と共に歩いてきたことは、とてもスペシャルな人生だったな、と。だって、彼を見てるだけで面白い(笑)。本当にちっちゃいころから一緒にいて、小学校のころに一緒にバンド始めて、で、今、こうなってる。僕は彼の一番のファンであり、また音楽を一緒に楽しめる一番の仲間であり…。でも、なんか、すべてを超えちゃってるので、言葉でなんて形容していいか分からないですね。こんな天才も、こんな努力する人もいないと思います。人間としても男としても尊敬してますね。




ToshI 僕、最初に海外に一人で来たのがニューヨークだったんです。割と好きでプライベートでも何度か来てるんですね。




YOSHIKI 公園とかいいんじゃない? セントラルパークで犬の散歩とか。(笑)


ToshI 犬の散歩ねー(笑)


YOSHIKI あとは、マディソン・スクエア・ガーデンでも行ってみよっか?




YOSHIKI バスケットボール見に!


ToshI あ。いいね! ホッケーとか!




YOSHIKI そうですねー。そこは間違いないですね。やっぱり“歩ける”っていうのがいいですね。




ToshI もちろん、もちろん。


YOSHIKI はぁー(タメ息)、なんで、僕はロスに住んでいるんだろう…。

一同 (笑)




ToshI でも、前から言ってるよね、それ。(笑)


YOSHIKI もちろん、ロスはロスで大好きな街ですよ。(笑)




ToshI 前回の横浜で久しぶりにファンのエネルギーと、僕たちのエネルギーが交わった時の、なんとも言えない高揚感とエネルギッシュなパワーを感じられたんですね。それが明日への糧につながるというか。やっぱりファンはすごく心強いなと。その時間を今回は世界の中心で、世界中から集まってきた方と共有して、さらにパワフルになれたらなぁと思っています。


YOSHIKI やっぱりToshIの言う通り、ファンの方のエネルギーはX JAPANのコンサートに欠かせない物で、彼ら、彼女たちに支えられたから今の自分たちがいると思うんです。同時に、世界っていろいろな情勢の中、いろいろな問題があると思うんですけれど、ただX JAPANのコンサートに限っては、国境も人種も世代も超えられるっていうことを証明したいんですね。それを、事実として示す、そんなコンサートにしたいなと思っています。

 (「WEEKLY Biz」(ニューヨーク)20141011日号掲載)



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米音楽の聖地、ニューヨークのマディソン・スクエア・ガーデン(MSG)で11日、コンサートを行うカリスマロックバンド、X JAPAN。現地入りしたリーダーのYOSHIKIさんとボーカルのToshIさんお二人に時間をとっていただき、今度のコンサートの意味、お互いの存在について、そしてこの10年間についてお話を伺った。(聞き手・高橋克明)




ToshI そうですね、早いような、長いような…うーん、どっちなんだろう(笑)。


YOSHIKI ちょうど4年だね


ToshI ちょうど4年だね。




ToshI うん、奇遇にもまた誕生日の時期にニューヨークでライブができる。(笑)


YOSHIKI まぁ誕生日は(日程が)変わらないから。同じ日だからね。(笑)


ToshI 確かに(笑)。そう思うと早かったですね。




ToshI いや、もう…なんて言うか…(しばらく沈黙)。まだ現場に行ってないからかもしれないけど、想像もつかないですね。YOSHIKIのここまで僕たちを引っ張ってくれるリーダーシップというか、力というか、それがいきなりマディソン・スクエア・ガーデンまで引っ張ってくれるのか、と。その力を、やっぱり僕は尊敬するしかないですね。


YOSHIKI X JAPANって、すべてが夢みたいなバンドで。ホントに今、現実で起きてるのかなってことがよく(あるんですね)。朝起きたら、「あれ、今まで夢見てたんじゃないのかな」ってことが多いバンドなんですよ。(笑)


ToshI うん、そうだねー。


YOSHIKI だから(今回も)また新しい大きな夢が一つ。本当の夢と、眠っている時の夢と、その両方みたいな感じで「マディソン・スクエア・ガーデンでやってる夢」を見てるのかなって。


でもX JAPANにしてみれば、マディソン・スクエア・ガーデンは決して(キャパシティー的に)大きくはなくて、夢ではないホールですよね。


YOSHIKI でも、いつも(そう思ってるん)だと思います。東京ドームも18回くらいやってるんですけど、毎回、夢見てるみたいな感じで。


ToshI いつもそうだよね。今でもそうだよね。


YOSHIKI 先日も横浜アリーナで(復活ライブを)やったんですけど、その時も次の朝起きたら「あれ、本当にコンサートしたのかな?」って。でも、全身が筋肉痛だったんで、やっぱりやったんだなって(笑)。すべてが現実っぽく思えなくて。


X JAPANというバンドは日本の音楽史の中でも明らかに特別な存在だと思うんです。他のバンドとは違うカリスマ性を持っているにもかかわらず、いまだにまだ夢だと感じられる、と。


YOSHIKI それ、よく言っていただくんですけど、でもカリスマ性とか、あまり実感ないんです(笑)。普通に頑張ってるだけなんでね。ただ日ごろから努力はしてるので、ステージに立った時に、たぶん発揮できるんじゃないかなとは思いますけど。




ToshI 実は前回の横浜アリーナのコンサートが、今までのすべてのコンサートの中で一番ハツラツとできたんですね、自分の中で。何かアマチュア時代に初めてライブハウスでやるような、そんな気持ちで、ステージに立てて。そこがたまたま横浜アリーナだったっていう感覚だったんですけど。




ToshI うれしかったですねー。その気持ちが続いてるので、今回も、一番最初にYOSHIKIと東京に出てきて、ライブハウスでやったころの、その時の続きみたいな感覚がありますね。場所(ホール)は全然違いますが、気持ち的にはその時と同じで、とりあえず楽しもうって。なんだか分かんないけど、とりあえずやるぞ、みたいな(笑)。うん、そんな感覚ですね。


YOSHIKI 高校の文化祭みたいな。(笑)


ToshI そう! 文化祭の時の気持ちなんです(笑)。だから、楽しみな気持ちの方が強いですね。


YOSHIKI やっぱりバンドってずっとやってると途中からどこまでが仕事で、何のためにやってるか、分からなくなっちゃう時があるんですね。でも、やっぱり、子供のころに音楽を聴いて、感動して、ロックミュージシャンになりたい! みたいな気持ちってあるじゃないですか。その新鮮な気持ちが最近また新たに実感できるようになってるんですね。長年やってると「仕事としてこなしてる」みたいな感じになっちゃってる人もいると思うんですよ。自分たちもそういう時期があったかもしれない。でも、最近また、音楽ができることに気持ちが高ぶって、感謝しつつ、うれしさがまた出てくるようになったんですね。




一同 (笑)


ToshI 確かにそうかも(笑)。感覚は同じって言えば、同じ。


YOSHIKI 中学の文化祭もあったよね。


ToshI あった、あった(笑)。あの時も…。


(※ 二人だけで学生時代に戻り、楽しそうに盛り上がっている)



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How did you feel about the remastering job Sony did for the X Japan albums Blue Blood and Jealousy?


I think they did a pretty good job, actually. Yeah!


What music artists do you follow these days?


I pretty much listen to everything. I listen to rock like Muse or Slipknot, or recently EDM. Lady Gaga; Rihanna, I also listen to classical music, like Rachmaninoff a lot, Tchaikovsky a lot, Bach. I play Chopin a lot these days myself. I pretty much listen to anything.


How do you feel about Hayao Miyazaki retiring from making films?


I mean, hes an amazing, amazing person. Ive never met him, but hes created amazing animation. I hope he keeps going, you know? But if thats his decision, then I think we should all respect his decision. There are two types of artists in the music world: Some of the artists just keep going, such as the Rolling Stones and KISS, they just keep doing and doing, so I have much respect towards those artists, as well as someone who just says, Okay, thats enough. So thats their choice. I dont know which category we fall intowe thought we were the second one; X Japan will never reunite or anything, but weve since reunited, so wed like to try as much as we can. As long as there are fans, you know, they want us, so we keep going.


What do you feel is the secret to X Japans longevity?


I think I have to say two reasons: The most important reason is there are amazing fans throughout the world supporting us, so theyve made us continue to exist. Also, when it comes to music, even though I do a lot of stuff outside of music, Ive never compromised when it comes to music, the integrity of music. And no matter what our record company says, no matter what people say—“You should be doing this or trying this, blah blah blahIve never compromised the musical quality, so those two things are key, I think.


Since X Japan has already completed one tour of the U.S., what are some things that you thought went really well in crossing over to an American audience?


A long time ago, we toured throughout Japan many, many times. Even though these days the Internet is everywhere and people can choose their music through their computer or cell phone, performing live shows is another level, a different level. So, I dont believe in shortcuts. We have to cross over boundaries and everything, we have to keep working, keep playing, show to show. Doing the U.S. tour only one time, I think thats not enough. If we decide to do this, I think we should tour as much as we can, as many shows as we can. After all, X Japan is a live band.


I couldnt agree more. When people see this show, if theyre unfamiliar with X Japan, their minds will be blown, theyll love it so much.


[Laughs] Thank you.


Yoshiki, I have to be honest. I never thought you could put lasers and smoke and everything at a show at Roseland. I saw Lady Gagas show there before they closed the venue.


The last one, right? I saw some from the video. Was it good?


It was really cool, because she used the whole ballroom. It wasnt just the stage, it was everywhere. But I have to say even though that was an amazing production for so small a place, it still wasnt the same as X Japans show, and I mean that.


Thats such a compliment, thank you so much.


What things would you have done differently on that U.S. tour four years ago?


That was good. I mean, I hoped we didnt take that much of a break between that tour and then now. I wanted to keep going, you know. That tour right after and everything, and a lot of inside problems and band management, so That tour itself was very interesting, very intimate. We kind of like, how do you say, learned again how much we love to perform. Before that U.S. tour, the only place wed been performing was Tokyo Dome and big stadiums, pretty much. Sothat was pretty much our first time performing in front of 1,000 to 3,000 peoplebefore, we were just performing in front of 50,000 people. So [I thought] that pretty much brought us back to the basics. That was great.


A fan asks: What do you really think of all the J-pop groups like AKB48, Exile, and all the rest?


I think they are part of the Japanese culture. I think I do have respect for much of what they do. I do have enormous respect toward the K-pop groups, as well. I mean, their style might be a little different, but they all work very hard. Even though we do rock, a different genre, I do respect all those groups.


Finally, what were your memories of playing New York with X Japan for the first time four years ago, and how does it feel to be coming back?


Again, the Roseland Ballroom show was one of the best shows I think Ive ever performed. The energy from the audience was amazing. At an X Japan show, we create a show with the audienceits not the band is performing and the audience is just watching, so we create the show together. Because that show was very good, because the audience was amazing, then we are just really, really excited to go back to New York to create another memorable moment together. Its going be a bigger place, and everything is bigger in scale, but we made the first floor of the arena, how do you say, standing. So were going to try to make Madison Square Garden like a huge club, a huge live house. Its going to be a truly amazing show [laughs], and were just way too excited to get back to New York.


What do you see in the future for X Japan?


Were a band that never knows whats going to happen next, but Id say that after the Madison Square Garden show, its going to be the next chapter of our band.


X Japan makes their debut at Madison Square Garden Saturday, Oct. 11. For tickets and show merchandise, visit www.xjapanmusic.com and www.yoshiki.net.



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Does the deal with EMI still hold, as far as the contractual obligation to have this record released?


Actually, we are almost talking to a different label [laughs]. Also, you know, EMI was bought by Universal, and thenyeah, lets change the subject.


As far as video goes, are there any plans to release any live DVD footage from the previous U.S. tour?


I think so. We shot a lot of places; not only the U.S., but of course we shot in New York, in England, Mexico, Brazil, we shot Paris, London, Berlin, so we shot several shows, also in Southeast Asia: We shot Bangkok, Shanghai, Taipei, so we have a lot of footage. We also had three days of reunion shows at Tokyo Dome; we have not released those yetwell start releasing those little by little.


Do you have any future plans for your supergroup S.K.I.N.?


Yes. When we are together, we go to dinner or something, we talk about [it]. When we formed S.K.I.N., at that time X Japan was not in my mind, because X Japan was not there. Right after we formed the band S.K.I.N., Toshi from X Japan called me from out of nowhere, and it was pretty much the first time I talked to him in 10 years. We started talking about reuniting the band and everything, then also each member of S.K.I.N. had their previous commitment and engagements, they were doing their own stuff, so its kind of hard for us to get together. I think its a little more like my fault, because I was not planning on doing X Japan at that time, then I started doing X Japan. So I became pretty busy with X Japan, too. But we talk about it here and there, so theres definitely a possibility we will be together, but at this point, we dont have any specific plan.


Will any of the songs from that tour be released at some point?


I didnt think about that, actually. Hmm. Well see, yeah.


Good answer.




Do you have any favorite anime or manga?


I liked Mazinger Z. Of course, Saint Seiya. Also, I like, how do you say, Attack on Titan.


Thats very popular now, even in the U.S.


Yeah. I like that. Evangelion. I like Bleach. I like One Piece, too. Its so hard to name a few.


How about movies?


I dont know, actually.Recently, Ive just been working day and night. The only time I watch movies is in the airplane, I think. These days, Ive even been composing on the plane [laughs]


Your life itself is probably more interesting than most Hollywood movies these days.


[Laughs] We should create our own movie.


A fan asks: How do you fight jetlag? Is it the power of the models that you seem to take with you everywhere you go?


On tour, every time I wake up in a different country, before jetlag hits, Im already in a different country. For some reason, wherever I am, Im very nocturnal. Jetlag doesnt really hit meIm staying up all night, and I go to bed when the sun comes up. Thats the style. That kind of supersedes jetlag.


How did that tradition start of you taking fashion models with you on tour?


First of all, they are friends of mine. I dont go out that much, so, people I meet are usually at the video shoot or something like that, so they became friends. [We invite each other out], so that kind of happens organically.


A fan asks: What kind of hair treatment do you do?


[Laughs] I dont know. I just have something from Japan, actually, that my makeup artist gave to me. I dont even know, yeah.


This might help answer this next fan question: Is your beauty a curse for you?


I dont know. Of course, during the tour or something with the makeup, usually I dont do anything. I dont even dry my hair, just take a shower and go to a meeting or to the recording studio


Its just natural for you.


Yeah. I mean, I care about music completely, so everything else in my life is secondary.


Do you study martial arts?


When I was in high school, I used to do judo for three years. I was no good, though [laughs]. Also, several years ago I was doing karate. It was not a good idea, because I play piano. So


Dot dot dot?


Yeah. Mm-hmm.


Since X Japans international tours, what have your feelings been about your and the groups popularity growing in overseas markets, and where do you see the most growth?


I dont know. I mean, we toured in the year 2011 [to] 15 countries, so they were equally good.Even though it wasnt a huge arena tour or anything, we played at capacity of somewhere around 2,000. In Southeast Asia we played at capacity of a little over 10,000 or so. So the music is spreading just little by little equally throughout the world. Its very interesting and we are very fortunate.


In the next year, would there be any plans for X Japan to play new countries or new cities in the United States?


I think so, but I think it would all depend on how the Madison Square Garden shows go. Right now, our focus is just MSG, MSG, MSG.


A fan from Minneapolis said she hopes you can come there.


I see, I see. Wed love to, yeah.


This year also sees the release of two new X Japan greatest hits packages. Since the band hasnt recorded a complete studio album since 1996, do you have any idea why so many of these collections have been released so far?




Or to put it another way, do you or the group have any input on any of these collections that have been coming out for the last 10 or 15 years?


Usually, record companies suggest something like this. Then, I would say sometimes okay, sometimes notsomething from Sony, they have the rights, so they can release regardless. After Sony, we do have the rights, so if it sounds or original or something, thats cool. As long as theres a need, you know, we kind of provide that. I know we should release a new studio album, so we are working on it. Im just too picky, yeah. The perfectionist thing is kind of killing me, too. Like, Im always fighting every day.Recording is a process of compromising [laughs]; a compromising process.



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Regarding the version of Black Diamond that you did, was that your first choice of song to cover for that project?


Yes. Actually, Gene Simmons told me about a few [songs] with piano or classical arrangements for KISS, he gave me maybe five songsI said I would like to try a concerto, and he said, Okay, well see. I was asked to do it for a Japanese version of their tribute album, but they liked it so much that they put my arrangement into the worldwide album.


A few years later they released a tribute album in Japan called Jigoku no Shōsan, which I happen to have, and I was wondering if you were approached to be part of that project as well.


I didnt know that project.


Its a cool one. Its like a Japanese artists version of the American KISS tribute album.


Oh, interesting. I need to check it out.


It actually has a version of Deuce by Diamond Yukai. You were both in the movie Tokyo Pop.


Okay, okay [laughs].


How did Xs appearance come together in Tokyo Pop, and what do you think about that scene now?


[Laughs] At that time, we were one of the bands people were talking aboutthe crazy hairstyle and out of control something, and I think somebody heard our band name, then someone approached us to do a movie, and we were like, cool. We had to do it at a gig or something, and they showed up.


What is KISS influence to you, and how do you feel about them not being able to perform together at their induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony earlier this year?


Having a band is really complicated. Its like X Japanexcept Toshi, the vocalist, pretty much everybody was the leader of the band, so our strategy is to be able to gather all those leaders of the band. In our case, Taiji was an original member; he actually happened to pass away in 2011. In 2010, we had an X Japan show in Nissan Stadium [in Yokohama]. I actually fired him a long, long time ago. We had some mutual differencesnot only music, we had a lot of differences. But I somehow knew his condition was not right[but] I wanted to perform with him again. So Toshi and I asked him to join our band, even though we have a great player. I also talked to my present bass player, Heath, saying, Can I invite Taiji into our show? He said yeah, but he was like, We would have two bass players. I said, A few songs. Because I would like to kind of reunite. It was very, how do you say, a memorable moment, but at the same time, organizing that kind of show was not easy. So for sure, KISS has a lot of different things that we dont know, but on this day they appeared on the same stage, so I think we should appreciate what they have done.


If its not too personal, where were you when you received the news of Taijis passing the following year, and what were your initial thoughts about that?


We were doing a world tour, then we were taking a break and I was in the studio in Los Angeles recording. My friend told mefirst of all, I didnt believe it. It was a little too dramatic


Lets talk about some of your endorsements. I really like the drumsticks that youve used for a long time made by Tama. Do you still use those now?


Yes, I do.


They have that coating on them for extra grip. Do you know what that grip is made out of?


Actually, I dont know. It doesnt really slip, so it kind of sticks to your hands.


Ive used them before, but the only problem that I had was that they leave black marks all over the drum heads whenever you hit them.


[Laughs] Exactly! I have the same problem [laughs].


Do you have to replace your drums a lot on tour, or do you leave them like that?


Oh, for sure. I bang drums so hard, after every single show I have to change every single drum head.


Your roadies must love you.


My cymbals, too. They crack, so I have to replace them here and there.


Do your drum technicians like having all that extra work, or is it mendokusai [a bother]?


I have a person who just sets up drums, and also I have a person who just changes the heads.


Did you ever feel like using nylon tips when you play with your sticks?


I kind of like something natural. I used that before, but I hit drums so hard that those tips really break. I break at least three or four sticks during the show.


I remember they cost about 2,000 yen a pair when I was in Japan, but theyre totally worth it.


[Laughs] Thank you.


For your song Endless Rain, the intro has a similarity with November Rain, which was released several years later by Guns N Roses. When you first heard November Rain, did you notice this, and had anyone from that band ever talked to you about it?


Thats interesting. You know what? The new guitar player Richard Fortus, from Guns N Roses, actually hes a friend of mine, so he actually played Endless Rain during the Guns N Roses tour during his solo. He and Robin [Finck], who used to be in Nine Inch Nails, they did Endless Rain during the guitar solo.


In 2011, X Japan signed a deal with EMI to release an English-language album in the United States. The last I heard about that, it was said that the tsunami in Japan made it difficult to finish recording. Whats the status of that, will that album ever come out, and is there any plan to release new music in America?


Yes. Actually, we are definitely planning on releasing the album now. We started doing a world tour in 2011. Then during that tour, our original bass player, Taiji, passed away. Then I [thought] we had to take a break again, not only for that reason due to some drama in terms of the band, not like actually the band itself, [but] towards for management or something like thatwe had a lawsuit and everything. Finally, some of those things kind of settled, so we can concentrate on more music. Especially this year, we started focusing on more music, too. During that time, also, of course the tsunami and everything happened, too, but the main reason was that our band was not ready at that time.



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Agreed. What kind of expectations do you and the rest of the band have for the Madison Square Garden show? Are you looking for a sellout, or some kind of increased awareness for the group? Its such a big place, so what would you consider a success following this performance?


I think everything you said. Its like were going to perform our most memorable show ever. Also, this is the first time were doing the full production. When we performed at the Tokyo Dome, our drum riser moved into the B-stage, or lasers and tons of pyro and everything. Were bringing all those to Madison Square Garden. Actually, weve never done that outside of Japan. So were trying to get awarenesswe are X Japan in America. Also, we wanted toMadison Square Garden, I believe, has always been one of the places to go for a performance, a dream place for any rock band.Probably the show, for me, the reason is anything you can think of, a culmination of everything.


LArc~en~Ciel performed at Madison Square Garden as a headliner two years ago, being the first Japanese group to headline there. What kind of things does X Japan want to do differently in terms of promotion or outreach, and how do you feel about how they did?


First of all, I have enormous respect for the band LArc~en~Ciel, and I think theyre great...I didnt go to their show, so I dont know 100%. I kind of watched saw little bit of video, but X Japans strength, we make even Tokyo Dome a live house. We create a super energetic show, whether its 1,000 people or even 50,000 people. We are trying to make the Madison Square Garden show like a huge club, but also a theatrical combination. I know that LArc~en~Ciel deserve a Madison Square Garden show. I mean, its not the same band; they have their strength, and we have our own strength, too.


How do you feel about ticket sales right now? Are they in line with your expectations?


I think so. Its not as easy as playing in Tokyo or Asia, but we just started heavily promoting Madison Square Garden, so were pretty confident that its going to be a big crowd.


Are there any American bands that you would most want to tour with?


Good question. I dont know, I mean, it doesnt have to be America; it could be someone from England or Europe. Lets see, KISS may be interesting, or maybe like Musethey have also a classical music influence as well. Or maybe someone heavy, like Slipknot. I dont know [laughs].


Do you have any favorite X Japan songs to perform live?


Some of the X Japan songs are really fast, so Im doing the same song I played more than 20 years ago. Even though I love those songssongs like X, or Kurenai that I play fast onI love those songs, but its not easy for me to play as a drummer. These days, I love our new songs, something like Jade or Born to Be Free, those are pretty new songs. These are good. Also, we will be performing a brand new song in MSGI think we are planning at least two songs.


Can you give us the title of the new material?


One songs called Hero, which we kind of did the music video shoot [in August] in Tokyo. I just got back from Tokyo and Hong Kong yesterday. Then theres one or two more songswere just trying to figure it out.


Is there an English lyric youve written that youre proudest of?


[Laughs] Hmm. Well, I like the song Jade. Also, I like our song called I.V., the theme song I wrote for the film Saw IV.


Regarding your recent Yoshiki Classical album which was released worldwide earlier this year, I was curious about your song Anniversary, which celebrated the 10th anniversary of the enthronement of the Emperor of Japan. What was in your heart when you set out to write this?


Actually, I didnt understand why the celebration committee called me to compose the song. I was like, What?!, you know? Then I asked my mother.At that time, they didnt give me any direction, then they asked me to compose, and when I asked them what kind of song, they didnt say anything. I was like, Should I play rock, should I play pop, or should I play something classical? So I made the decision to create a piano concerto, because I thought that was appropriate rather than playing heavy metal, right?


What kind of approach did you take when you wrote Golden Globe Theme?


When I was asked to do this, I was like, What?! [Laughs] I actually didnt know what to do at that time, so I kind of composed three different kinds of songs: One very classy, one very edgy, and one kind of in the middle.During the awards, they party. Its different from the Academy [Awards], so people are drinking champagne and eating.People liked my choice of combination of a little bit of prestige and edgy.


I wanted to ask about your health these days. How are you feeling now, and will you still be wearing a neck brace when playing heavy drums live?


Yes. Im been seeing doctors, even through my Yoshiki Classical world tour. I did a cortisone shot five times in my life elbow, and six times in my right wrist this year alone [laughs]. I think my bodys just deteriorating, but I know its a tradeoff, because every time I put everything in the show, even when I was touring classical music as well. Doing rock music, I put even more energy and everything I have into that kind of show. I know its not going to last that long, but Ill do it till the end. The end may come next year or two years from now, but it may last five years. I wont be touring 10 years, I dont think so. Ill do what I can, and the doctor said I need to wear braces, so Im wearing braces for my right wrist when Im not performingwhen Im not actually playing the pianoand a neck brace that Ive started to wear for the drum performance as well.


Years ago, Alex Van Halen had a similar condition, and he would wear a neck brace during a few Van Halen tours. During the last few tours, I didnt notice him wearing one, and Im not sure what happened with him.


Wow. Id love to see his doctor.


When you finally met KISS, when did that happen and what was that like?


I met them a long time ago. When I went to Gene Simmonss house, I was asked to do a KISS tribute [1994s KISS My Ass: Classic KISS Regrooved]. I did a song called Black Diamond, a kind of concerto. They were very nice. I met Gene and Paul [Stanley], then eventually, Gene invited me to some kind of party. Last year, last August, I happened to be in Tokyo and they were touring in Japan, so I went to see the show. We hung out after the show. It was so nice to see their performing skill. I went to see their show when I was close to 10 years oldmy mother took me to see the show after I asked her. They were the first rock band and the first rock show I went to see. It was very nice to see them performing, and theyre one of my inspirations.


Would you say that KISS was the biggest inspiration to X Japan regarding the birth of visual kei?


I think that KISS is one of the inspirations. We also liked Iron Maiden, David Bowie, Sex Pistols. The visual kei aspect was a combination of all those genres, including new wave, heavy metal and punk rock. We combined everything into a kind of genre for visual kei.


Would you say that David Bowies look in the film Labyrinth was an inspiration?


I think so. I met David Bowie a long time ago; we interviewed together. I think that I met him personally before KISS, though.



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翻訳に突っ込むと「Oh my God.=ああ私の神」





Yoshiki Classical World Tour Part.2MSG後に考える。



(たぶんHEROBeneath The Skinのこと)






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For Yoshiki Hayashi, this Saturday (Oct. 11) will go down in J-rock history as one of the biggest bands in Asia makes their debut at Madison Square Garden. Formed over 30 years ago, X Japan first gained notoriety in the mid-'80s by ushering in the visual kei movement, a style that continues to evolve through other Japanese megastars like L
Arc~en~Ciel (who headlined the World's Most Famous Arena themselves in 2012).


At the center of it all is X Japan's founding member, Yoshiki. An equally talented songwriter, heavy metal drummer and classical pianist, he is both the heart and soul of X Japan, and, having lived in Los Angeles for two decades, the ideal mouthpiece for the band's American tours, which started with a bang in 2010 at Lollapalooza and included a sold-out gig at New York's now-defunct Roseland Ballroom.


In this exclusive, expansive interview, I spoke with Yoshiki about how the group's original hopes to play the Garden in 2008 were dashed by personal health and management troubles, his favorite, anime, manga and X Japan songs, and his experience working with legends like Stan Lee, KISS, and the Emperor of Japan.


How did this concert for Madison Square Garden come together? I know there were plans to do this in 2008; can you talk about this history?


Our band reunited around the year 2008. We did our reunion concert in Tokyo Dome, three days or so, I think. At that time, we were also thinking of performing [shows] outside of Japan, and Madison Square Garden was one or two of [the ideas]. But for some reason they didnt happen, so since then, that venue was always in our minds. A few years ago, we decided to try schedule Madison Square Garden. I think we were kind of confirmed last year.


Its a long road.


Yes. Well, considering that X Japan was not doing anythingI mean, the band broke up around the end of 1997, so when we reunited we had almost 10 years of a break. We started doing a bunch of arena shows, and then we started touring the world when we went to 16 countries or so. Considering this, the [last] six or seven years have been tours [laughs].


Are there plans for X Japan to play any other concerts for the remainder of the year?


Not now. We just announced our shows in Japan, this place called Yokohama Arena, so we [performed] there Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. Its kind of like a prelude to Madison Square Garden and a kickoff to [that] show, about 10 days before that. As of now, Madison Square Garden is the only American show, but [depending] on how it goes, we may start another world tour. Were just talking about it right this moment.


After plans for the original Madison Square Garden performance of 2008 was cancelled, X Japan came to New York to play Roseland Ballroom two years later. What was the reason behind playing a smaller venue?


In 2008-2009, we had this management, so we were planning Madison Square Garden in America in New York, and also planning on playing some venue in Paris. Those were all cancelled because of some problem with the management. In 2010, we had new management, then since we were doing just only one show in New York, in 2010 we did a North American tour starting in Los Angeles, and we went to Oakland, Seattle, Vancouver, Chicago, Toronto, and New York. So, we went to tour in America instead of us doing one place in America. Thats how things changed. Same as Paris; instead of doing one place, [in 2011] we did a small tour in Europe. We played in London, Paris, Utrecht, and Berlin. Before 2008, we were thinking just one show in New York and one show in Paris, thats it. But we kind of split it apart.


How was the decision made to play Roseland?


Before X Japan broke up and after the reunion, we kept playing these huge places like the Tokyo Dome, which we played five times to 65,000 people. We kind of wanted to go back to basics, like how we started in the clubs, how we started playing intimate shows to 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 people. So Roseland was perfectI loved that show.


I went with a friend and he was amazed. Many new fans were born that night.


Well, thats good [laughs].


We saw one young couple in the crowdI would imagine they were Japanese. They brought their toddler, maybe a two-year-old boy


[Laughs] Oh my God.


He had these big headphones on to protect his hearing. We were thinking what kind of parents would bring their child to this kind of show.


[Laughs] Oh my God.


A lot of stuff happening in the crowd that night.


Yeah, the crowd in New York was amazing.


We love our rock shows here. Interestingly enough, I noticed that the week youre playing this October, the last time in Roseland was during New York Comic Con week. Is that the same kind of reasoning with the timing of the Madison Square Garden show?


Yes. Actually, right before we decided the date, we also talked to New York Comic Con, so they actually are happy to sponsor our show. It didnt have to be during New York Comic Con week, but I was hoping it would be, so its perfect to be right in the middle of it.


Will you be making an appearance at the con?


Yes. Actually, I will be doing it with Stan Lee. Im going to be appearing at New York Comic Con on October 10th, the day before the X Japan Madison Square Garden show.


Hes an amazing guy. Ive interviewed him before. Hes in his nineties now, but he has so much energy.


[Laughs] I know, I know. Hes a true legend and hes amazing.


Recently, you wrapped up the first leg of your Yoshiki Classical world tour. Are there any plans to do a second leg maybe next year?


Yes. Because the first leg was a pretty rough test, Ive been talking to my agent for the second leg for the Yoshiki Classical tour. But right this moment, the first priority is X Japan and the Madison Square Garden show. Maybe Ill think about it after that.


You played a lot of cities on that last leg, but unfortunately New York was not included. Was Carnegie Hall unavailable?


[Pauses] How do you know about that? [Laughs]




I went to 10 countries [on the first leg], I think. Yes, we were talking about Carnegie Hall. Most likely, the path to Carnegie Hall may be one of those places Im going to be performing.


I hope you can make that dream come true soon.


Id love to. Carnegie Hall is also as important as Madison Square Garden.


If Yoshiki is going to do a classical show in New York, it must be at Carnegie Hall.


Yes. I would love to do that.


I want to talk a little about your approach to songwriting. So many X Japan songs have English in them. When you originally wrote them, did you have someone translate them from the Japanese, or is that something you have total control over?


For the past 10 years, I speak more English than Japanese, even though my English is not perfect. When I write lyrics, I actually write in English first. For some of the tunes I composed, I wrote it in English and then I just translate to Japanese [laughs]. I write English lyrics, mainly, more than Japanese lyrics.


Youve been living in Los Angeles for some time now.


Yes. I go back and forth between Japan and America. I think Ive been living almost 20 years here in Los Angeles.


What things do you like the most about living in the U.S.?


It was kind of an accident, because 20 years ago I came here to go to a recording studio, so thats the reason. Its like, I can go to a grocery store or something like thatits impossible to go to that kind of place in Japan. Its kind of nice to have freedom [laughs].



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BLOOD RED DRAGONのコミックのデジタルダウンロード?





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X JapanYoshiki、デスノートの小畑健、NYコミコンに日本人ゲスト登場


コミックや映画、アニメ、漫画ファンの集まりとしてはアメリカ東海岸最大のイベント、「ニューヨーク・コミコン」が9日から12日まで開催される。ハリウッドの大物ゲストに加え、日本からもX JapanYoshikiや、デスノートやヒカルの碁の小畑健が参加する。


Yoshikiは、10日に開かれる「Yoshikiパネル」に登場。ニューヨーク・マディソンスクエアガーデンでの待望のコンサートの前日に、自身が主人公となった漫画シリーズ「ブラッド・レッド・ドラゴン(Blood Red Dragon)」についての特別発表を、独自パネル会で明らかにする。













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