
■   X JAPAN -  N E W S   ■
[08/01 ry]
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[07/30 名無しさん]
[07/30 名無しさん]
[07/29 たかし]
[07/29 みな]
[07/29 花]
[07/28 なつ]
[07/27 KAZU]
[07/27 KAZU]
[07/27 花]
[07/27 定]
[07/26 名無しさん]
[07/26 花]
[07/26 Ⅲ45]
[07/26 むだ]
[07/25 名無しさん]
[07/25 名無しさん]
[07/25 名無しさん]
[07/25 名無しさん]
[07/25 乳井敬]
[07/24 KAZU]
[07/23 りこ]
[07/22 シャネル時計 芸能人 2014]
[07/22 スーパーコピー 時計 ガガ]
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PRESS: How did you become involved with Repo! The Genetic Opera?

- 貴方はどのように " Repo! The Genetic Opera " に関わるようになったのですか?


YOSHIKI: Ok, umm... How did I get involved with that? I was working on the movie called Catacombs, I composed the end title. Then, the same director was working on Saw and Repo. Actually Darren Bousman, the director of Saw IV was also directed Repo. So then somehow, because of that connection, he asked me to produce the music for that movie.

YOSHIKIOK。え~と…。カタコンベという映画のエンディングテーマを作っていてました。SAW IVなどとも同じディレクターであるダーレンバウズマンを通じ依頼を受けました。


PRESS: Would you like to work on more film projects in the future?

- 貴方は将来多くの映画に関わりたいですか?


YOSHIKI: Sure...Working on a film project is very interesting because I'm not completely in charge. It's an interesting thing, when I was working on that project, Repo, Darren Bousman and I got into a nice argument. I said "You're fired." Right? He said, "You can't fire me, I can fire you." Because he's the movie director, I'm just the music director. So, what I'm trying to say is, in the music world I'm usually completely in charge, I'm not really...I just keep going on and on and on, but working on a movie project, there's somebody to stop me doing music forever. At the same time, when I'm composing I think about pictures and scenes, in my head. So working on the movie projects is very, very interesting and very inspiring.



PRESS: You mentioned something about seeing scenes and pictures when you compose music. Do you every experience synesthesia?

- 貴方は作曲するときに映像などを見る感覚だと言ってますが。それは毎回シナスタジア(共感覚)を感じるの?





PRESS: Synesthesia...when you hear musical notes you see things like colors in your head.

- シナスタジア(共感覚)っていうのは…音を聴いた時に色を見るようなことです。





PRESS: Are they more colors or are the definitely scenes?

- それらはいろんな色が見えるの?はっきりと映像として?


YOSHIKI: Hmm...interesting...sometimes very specific, sometimes very ambiguous. Umm...but, for some reason, if it's color, I don't see pink or something. I only see very dark red or something bloody *laughs* I don't know why. Something dark and beautiful. If it's a scene, it always has, in a good way though, some kind of death involved. Kind of like, as I said, in a positive way, to see the moment we are living, right this moment. Because this is death, right next to you. When I compose I usually think about that: living, death and life, and...



PRESS: You've worked with various visual kei fashion labels before, behind the scenes just wearing their clothes. But how did it come forward to actually be presenting with h.Naoto, with their presence on stage?

- 貴方は以前様々なファッションを着てきたのに、何故今はh.NAOTOと組むようになったの?


YOSHIKI: h.Naoto, right? Well, one day I was reading some Japanese magazine, then I saw his clothes and said "This is cool." Then my management talked to them and then, "Sure, lets do something together." So...that's it then.



PRESS: Alice Cooper, KISS, Twisted Sister. They all pioneered extreme levels of fashion to improve their noteraity in spite of being excellent musicians. X Japan obviously did the same thing to get a big foothold in the Japanese market with visual kei. What I have to ask you is as you tone down the visual kei, how do you plan to continue differentiating yourselves from other great artists in America as you attempt to release an album in English?

- Alice CooperKISSTwisted Sister。彼らは悪評を改善するために素晴らしいミュージシャンにあるにもかかわらず奇抜なファッション路線を開拓しました。X JAPANも日本市場で同じ状況でしたね。今はヴィジュアル的に主張していないようですが。英語でのアルバムを発売しようとしていますが、アメリカでの偉大なアーティストたちとはどう差別化していくの?


SUGIZO: I think just music's good. It's real music skill and sense. Every great band has very great player, a great composer.



YOSHIKI: Yeah. Same thing. The fashion is very important for us as well, of course it is Visual Kei. But at the same time, we think the music is the core, the main part. We're pretty confident our music is pretty strong. Well, I wouldn't say strong. We are very different. Well, I wouldn't say different...Unique. Because of our background, both Sugizo and I, and Toshi, three of us have Classical music background, besides rock. Then, of course, I do respect a lot of the bands you mentioned. We're not trying to differentiate with somebody, of course, we're going to get compared with a lot of bands, but what we are trying to do is just be ourselves, not trying to be somebody. Just, being ourselves. Then we're just gonna go for it.



PRESS: Good.

- いいね~。





PRESS: For Lollapalooza, what kind of message would you want to send to your fans for your US debut?

- ロラパルーザについてですが。ファンにはアメリカデビューに対してどのようなメッセージを伝えたいですか?


YOSHIKI: Something new is coming to America. I hope it's gonna be some kind of like historical moment.



SUGIZO: I think...my message is very simple. Music has no borders.



YOSHIKI: Interesting... But...there have been the invisible walls between east and west. Hopefully we can put a hole into that wall and then smash it totally. Eventually.



PRESS: How exactly did it come about that your American debut is at Lollapalooza? It's a pretty big thing to have your first show be at a huge festival like that.

- アメリカデビューがロラパルーザでやることになったのは何故ですか?初めてのライブにしては大きなフェスですよね。


YOSHIKI: Well, I live in Los Angeles. I'd been talked to several managers or agents about how X Japan should debut in America. We thought about doing a club tour; we thought about doing a small hall tour. But then some of my people who I work with said, "How about Coachella, how about Lollapalooza..." and then I was like "Hmm...that's very interesting." Then recently my agent, his name is Marc Geiger said, "Let's do it. If X Japan is ready we can have a very good spot for X Japan." So, that's it, I've known those people.



PRESS: In Tokyo you have really large productions when you play concerts. On your US tour what kind of production are you kind of anticipating?

- 東京でライブをやる時は大きなプロダクションで行いますよね。北米ツアーではどのくらいの規模のプロダクションで行いますか?


YOSHIKI: Well, obviously we are just starting in the US. Now we are gonna do whatever we can have. It doesn't have to be a huge production. We can play in clubs and everything. So, we cannot bring that huge drum riser or the production to the US until the day we can perform in a big arena. Bu the lighting, and all of those things are part of our show as well. So we're gonna try as much as we can. But at the same time we are ready to perform anywhere. Without even lighting. Yeah...without even anything. As long as we can play. So we do have kind of the same mentality, like when we debuted in Japan a long time ago. We didn't have that kind of production when we first started in Japan. So we have the same mindset. We're just starting again. Which is very exciting, to be born again.



MC: Thank you very much for your time. And I'd like to ask, what is your message for the fans who are looking forward to seeing your live shows in the United States.



SUGIZO: This is really big honor for me. I really respected X Japan from a very long time ago and X Japan's musical skill and sense is very great. When I joined them I thought, "I need more practice!" It is very, very important for me and just now I am part of X Japan, it is very exciting. This time is our American debut, too exciting. How can I say? I'm just excited, and I really love Americans, all Americans.

SUGIZO:これは僕にとって本当に名誉なことです。僕は長い間、音楽の技術とセンス高いX JAPANを尊敬してきました。加入したときには「もっと練習が必要だ」と思いました。僕にとってはそれが重要でした。X JAPANの一部として非情にエキサイティングです。なんて言ったらいいんだろう?本当に興奮しています。アメリカの皆。愛してます。


YOSHIKI: I'm very excited to finally, we can perform in the US. And because of our fans, because of you guys, we could reunite the band. So, without you, basically we are nothing. Nothing and nobody. I want to say thank you so much for supporting us, and I would like you to support X Japan for the future as well. And we will do anything to make it up, to live up to your expectation. Yeah, we're ready to rock the world. Thank you and I love you.



MC: Thank you very much.



Special thanks to Yoshiki and Sugizo of X Japan, Otakon, and all of the press in attendance who provided questions.


Photography and transcript by Jerusha Burnett.


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